We’re pleased to provide access to Cardiff Rowing Centre’s slipway, based at Channel View Leisure Centre. Currently there are two forms of slipway permit:
Day Permits
A day permit allows access between 09:00 and 16:30. (except Bank Holidays)
£15 – Motorboats, sailboats and multi-occupancy paddle crafts. (Will increase from April)
£5 – Kayaks, SUPs and other single-occupancy paddle crafts.
Annual Permits
The cost of the permit is based on the metreage of the vessel, for example, a 5 metre vessel will cost £210 for the period. This allows unlimited access all of the time, as long as it is safe to do so and in compliance with the rules and regulations set by the Harbourmaster.
Please contact the centre on 029 2035 3912 to discuss the best option for you.
Important Information
Please note that there are speed limits in place on both rivers, in the Inner Harbour and by the locks, which are part of the Cardiff Bay Byelaws. Failure to comply with provisions of the Byelaws and directions of Harbour Authority staff are offences for which offenders can be prosecuted.
There are often additional Local Notices to Mariners in effect, which can be found at www.cardiffharbour.com/local-notices-to-mariners. It is your duty to be aware of these before launching any vessel. Failure to comply may result in your access to the Bay being revoked.
The Harbourmaster is available by calling 029 2087 7900 during normal working hours.