Cardiff Sailing Centre (CSC) provides educational activities for schools and young people, from a single activity to week long programmes. Whether it’s an end of school term activity day, alternative curriculum based study or part of Key Skills Development, we offer an extensive range of schools programmes and activities.
We can run activities and courses at both our centres and offsite, catering for a wide range of groups, from a few children to a whole class. All courses run by us are designed to support Key Stages 2 – 4 of the National Curriculum.
Our adventure activities help young people gain valuable life skills, such as confidence, leadership, self esteem, motivation, problem solving ability, group communication and learning from success and failure.
To see a list of schools that have attended the centre since we opened in 1974, click here.
Following RYA Stages 1 – 4, students will gain experience in sailing, delivered alongside the RYA OnBoard Scheme.
Sailing provides a wide range of educational, personal and health benefits, which enable young people to:
- Gain knowledge of fitness and health
- Build personal / social development and communication skills
- Select and apply skills, tactics and compositional ideas
- Evaluate and improve performance
- Earn a certificate from the RYA’s sailing syllabus
- Have great fun into the bargain!
We will help you to make all the logistical arrangements you need to get kids out on the water and can help you to address any LEA requirements, including risk assessments.
We can come into the school and show pupils, either as part of a lesson or an assembly, what sailing is all about. Our aim is to make it as easy as possible for you to add sailing to your school sports curriculum or extra curriculum.
We can be contacted at:
T: 029 20 877 977